Working with Developers & Builders
Throughout the UK and Europe, the advantages of choosing Engineered Timber Frame Structures for all forms of housing and property development are now rapidly being recognised. Britains Building Industry is beginning to realise that there is more than one advantage of using timber frame
Timber-Frame Designs for Developers & Builders
The benefits of using timberframe construction are dealt with throughout this web site. The Benfield ATT Group has developed Fastframe Systems for forward-thinking commercial housebuilders and developers with their timber frame provision.
One Stop Building Solutions
As you will know, Benfield ATT have already developed a unique reputation for the design, manufacture and erection of timber frame buildings. Now, as both Chartered Surveyors and Chartered Building Consultants, we are extending our position to provide an even more comprehensive, 'one-stop-shop' facility, for housing and property developers throughout the UK. Fastframe Systems has been developed to bring you everything you need to get the most from your site.
Optimising Developments
While finding land to build on is, in itself, a difficult, time consuming and expensive exercise, as a developer it is only worth buying land if you can make a profit out of it.
As surveyors and valuers, our experience as development consultants can give you the edge. We can help optimise your development plans - assess which site is right for you, what type of development it is best suited for, what the development mix should be, appropriate infrastructure costs, residual values, how to phase the development, and how you can best optimise your development returns.
Good Design Speeds Development
As house-builder and developer members of the House Builders Federation (HBF) ourselves, we are fully aware of the need to turn round designs - both for individual houses, estate development, and landscaping - as quickly a possible. Using our professional services company, timbertecs we can help you make your designs as cost effective as possible.
Surveying & Planning for Better Buildings
Increasingly, to get the best value out of a site, developers are needing to design the development to take advantage of the orientation, slope, surrounding topography and other buildings, and so on. This is particularly important with the new Code for Sustainable Homes legislation. But to do so means that quite detailed site surveys are required at an early stage.
When careful survey detail is combined with sensitive environmental and spatial planning considerations, exceptionally good developments can result. For this to happen however, the buildings usually need to be individually designed for the site, rather than merely being able to 'place' bottom drawer, standard developer's house plans onto a site.
Quality Planning Permissions
Although this obviously involves extra design, as well as survey, costs, the upside is that, quite often, the 'quality' of the planning permission can be improved, either with more marketable properties, larger floor areas, or even an increase in the number of units to be developed.
Free Consultations
As you can see, we have an innate understanding of such things, borne out of long experience and professional capability. Our experience in both site surveys and planning applications is available to you, as and when required. Please feel free to consult us, without cost or obligation, for your next development.
Send your drawings to [email protected] or take a look at www.fastframesystems.co.uk
Joint Property Developments
Whether you are developing one house, a block of flats, a Housing Association social housing scheme, or a major private housing estate, we may be interested in engaging in a Joint Property Development project with you.
Win-Win Construction
There are many ways in which 'win-win' solutions can be constructed for the benefit of all parties, reducing costs, speeding completions, improving cash flow, and so on.
Whether or not you are the present landowner, and whether or not this idea immediately appeals to you, please take a few minutes to give us a call to discuss the options. As they say, "It costs nothing to talk" - and it could improve your returns enormously.